Tuesday, July 23, 2013

New Beginnings

It's been a while since I've posted.  A lot has happened in the interim.  I've allowed myself to slack on a lot of things, writing being one of them.  I've hardly worked on my book over the last few months.  I had some pretty negative feedback that really stuck with me more than it should have, and since then I've only written a few pages.  I've also obviously neglected my blog.
I'm beginning again.  I'm starting over on so many goals.  I'm exercising (sometimes a bit too much, I almost passed out yesterday).  I pulled out my violin.  I'm reading with my family.  I'm just trying to start it all over again and be more diligent. 
I think it's good for all of us, now and then, to examine where we are in life, what we could be doing better and to really buckle down on those things.  Just don't go overboard.
Stay hydrated, and get enough sleep.

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